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12 月31日-1月5日埃塞新闻速递




Gena-Ethiopian Christmas

Ethiopia follows the Julian calendar celebrating Christmas on January 7th while the rest of the world celebrates on 25th of December following the Gregorian calendar. Ethiopian Christmas known as Gena is one of the biggest holidays. The celebration is exclusive to Ethiopia attracting many from the globe. (来源FBC)



1.6 bln birr irrigation dam to start operation

Delayed for six years, Gidabo Dam and Irrigation Project took eight years to be finalized with a total cost of 1.66 billion birr, inflated by 645 percent from its original cost, is about to be operational by the end of this month. Gidabo is probably the first dam that has the potential to catch 63.5 million cubic meters of water covering an irrigation area of some 13,500 hectares of farmland. (来源Reporter)


国家电信垄断公司Ethio Telecom计划收购通信卫星。Ethio Telecom每年用于卫星通讯的服务费达1200万美元,当媒体、航空业和国家安全机构使用卫星服务时,成本会更高。专家表示,国家通过卫星来实现通信严重依赖于服务商,因此埃塞必须发射自己的卫星。

Ethio Telecom eyes communication satellite

The state telecom monopoly, Ethio Telecom, is planning to acquire communication satellite.

Ethio Telecom spends 12 million dollars on annual fees for satellite services and the expense soars when satellite services are utilized by media, aviation, and national security institutions. Experts said that the fact that national access to satellite communication and information through satellite depends on the goodwill of service providers, makes it essential for the country to launch its own satellite. (来源Reporter)





Enhancing compensation for educators under consideration: PM Dr Abiy

Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed held discussions with 3,696 educators from across the country today.

During the discussion, he addressed several questions posed in relation to creating a conducive education environment.

The meeting was held in cognizance of the role of dialogue with educators to nurture their efforts of building the next generation, according to office of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister highlighted that nation-building is a key outcome of educators invested in fostering a generation that has its country’s best interests at heart.

He said the government continues to be invested in education system reforms demonstrated in the recent split and restructuring of the Ministry of Education as well as the mainstreaming of discussions on education at every Ministerial office. (来源FBC)


总检察长办公室要求众议院向提格雷地区的高级官员施加压力,要求他们移交前国家情报和安全部门负责人Getachew Assefa和其他涉嫌严重侵犯人权和腐败的人。




House asked to push Tigray officials to handover former Intel. Chief, et.al

The Office of Attorney General has requested the House of Peoples’ Representatives (HPR) to pressure senior officials of the Tigray Regional State to handover the former National Intelligence and Security Service Head Getachew Assefa and others suspected of serious human rights violations and corruption.

The request was made on Tuesday when BerhanuTsegaye, Attorney General appeared before the House to present a 5-month performance report.

During the session, Berhanu presented details of major activities carried out in the past five months including the specific legal measures undertaken against crimes related to human right abuse, grand corruptionas well as organized crimes.

Among others, specific issues highlighted in his report includes why suspects such as the former IntelligenceChief was not brought before justice. Furthermore, suspects of organized crimes, human rights abuses, and economic and corruption crimes were also highlighted. (来源Reporter)




Corporation decides on fertilizer acquisition

After months of difficulty in deciding over the fate of a fertilizer purchase worth USD 400 million, the government is now renegotiating prices with the suppliers.

It is to be recalled that back in September, 2018, the Ethiopian Agricultural Business Corporation opened a fertilizer bid worth USD 400 million (11 billion birr). The bid was meant for the purchase of 1.125 million tons of fertilizer.

However, following the opening of the bids, as the result of the current foreign currency shortage, the Ministry Agriculture could not decide in order to proceed to the next level of the bid.

As the result of the aforementioned concern, the Corporation referred the case to the Ministry asking for the approval of the offers from the suppliers. The Ministry on the other hand sent the case to the Office of the Prime Minister.

However, no decision was made on the fate of the purchase, and worrying many as time goes by and the farming season fast approaching. (来源Reporter)



本周,陷入困境的埃塞俄比亚旅游组织(ETO)首席执行官Lensa Mekonnen在Harmony酒店举行了为期三天的马拉松式会议,与相关行业的经营者进行了会谈,并受到了严厉的批评。



ETO chief receives backlash from sector

Ministry forms first tourism think-tank

The embattled CEO of Ethiopian Tourism Organization (ETO), Lensa (Aida) Mekonnen held a three-day marathon of meetings with operators of the sectors at Harmony Hotel this week and received harsh criticisms.

At the helm for a year, she heard from the tour and transport operators and hotel owners asking, among others, for her dismissal, incompetence and openly questioned her ability to lead the government agency and the recent actions of the Organization, which included the abrupt cancellation of the participation by Ethiopian delegates to international tourism forums.

“Preventing us from taking part in such international forums is like removing us from the international tourism compass and map,” said tour operator YakobMelaku. “To look at our participation in a monetary value alone is not looking at the long–term vision of Ethiopian tourism sector.”(来源Reporter)





Abiy Inspects Implementation of 100 Days Plan in Federal Institutions

PM Abiy has visited Ethiopian Roads Authority and the Federal Attorney General offices today.

The aim of the visit was to assess whether the ongoing reform has touched the ground, it was learned. The premier first inspected the reform introduced at the Ethiopian Roads Authority head office during the last 100 days. (来源ENA)



据埃塞俄比亚卫生部长阿米尔·阿曼(Amir Aman)博士称,在第10轮埃博拉疫情爆发期间,共有450万名旅客在埃塞俄比亚所有入境口岸接受了筛查。他说,每天约有3万名旅客接受筛查。


Ethiopia screens 4.5 mln travelers for Ebola

The Ebola preparedness and response task force continues to take protective measures through screening program in major ports of entry to Ethiopia.

A total of 4.5 million travelers have been screened at all ports of entry to Ethiopia on the 10th round Ebola outbreak, according to Dr Amir Aman, Ethiopia’s Minister of Health.

About 30,000 travelers have been screened per day, he said.

Ethiopia established five screening sites at Bole International airport, 21 at land crossings, and three at Dire Dawa, Mekelle and Bahir Dar airports, he said on Twitter. (来源FBC)


城市发展和建设部长Jantirar Abay说,他的办公室正在准备埃塞俄比亚的30年空间规划。今天在这里组织的一次会议上透露了这一点,以提高人们对该计划的认识。




Ethiopia preparing 30-year spatial plan

Minister of Urban Development and Construction, Jantirar Abay, said his office is preparing a 30-year spatial plan of Ethiopia.This was revealed at a meeting organized here today to raise awareness on the plan.

The event attracted members of Urban Development and Construction Affairs Standing Committee of the House of Peoples Representatives (HPR), mayors, heads of regional bureaus and Presidents of Universities.

About 1,900 cities in Ethiopia have plans but failed to implement them due to lack of capacity and awareness, he said.

The Minister finally called on stakeholders to join hands for the success of the spatial plan.(来源FBC)



Merger, Alliance of Political Parties Timely and Crucial

Merger and consolidation of political parties is crucial at this juncture as it create synergy among the parties while avoiding undesirable rivalry and competition, Political Science and International Relations Associate Professor YacobArsano said. In an exclusive interview with ENA, he said merger of political parties with similar political ideologies and purposes is critically vital for the nation to prosper. (来源ENA)

超过10亿比尔Debre Berhan-Ankober公路项目的建设开始

长达42公里的Debre Berhan-Ankober公路项目今天启动,耗资将超过10亿比尔。

该项目由本地公司Sunshine承建,KORE 咨询公司作为项目顾问。项目费用将由埃塞俄比亚政府承担,计划在两年内完成。

Construction Of Over 1bln Birr Debre Berhan-Ankober Road Project Commences

The construction of a 42 km Debre Berhan-Ankober asphalt road project has been commenced today at a cost of more than one billion birr.The project was awarded to the local company, Sunshine construction. KORE Consulting was hired as consultant. The cost for the project will be covered by the government of Ethiopia. It is scheduled to be completed in two years. (来源FBC)







Premier receives Chinese FM

Addis Ababa, January 3, 2019 (FBC) – Prime Minister DR Abiy Ahmed met with Wang Yi, State Counselor and Foreign Minister of China today.

Prime Minister Dr Abiy acknowledged the longstanding relationship between the two countries and China’s immense contribution to Ethiopia, according to Office of the prime Minister.

He highlighted that in addition to continued support in infrastructure development, the new frontier of a strengthened relationship needs to capitalize on introducing new forms of technology.

Wang Yi for his part appreciated the successful reform initiatives that have been undertaken over the past few months in Ethiopia.

He further emphasized that Ethiopia is on the right path and that China remains committed to supporting and to developing new dimensions to the relationship. (来源FBC)


水利、灌溉和能源部长Seleshi Bekele博士今天向埃塞俄比亚议会成员简要介绍了该项目的现状。他对国会议员说:“迄今为止,埃塞俄比亚通过发行债券和募捐为该项目筹集了123.1亿比尔资金。”

Ethiopians Raise Over 12.3 Bln Birr For GERD: Minister

Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy, Dr Engineer Seleshi Bekele today briefed members of the Ethiopian parliament about the current status of the project.“Ethiopians have so far raised 12.31 billion birr for the project through bond purchase and donation,” he told the MPs. (来源FBC)




President, Chinese FM Confer on Issues of Common Interest

President SahleworkZewde and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi discussed about bilateral and international issues of common interest at the National Palace today.

The leaders agreed to strengthen comprehensive strategic relations and reached consensus on how to take additional measures that widen cooperation in trade and investment.Foreign Minister Wang said on his part Ethiopia is a front partner of China in Africa and China will remain a reliable partner of Ethiopia. (来源ENA)




Attorney General File Charges against Suspects of Deadly Violence

The Federal Attorney General revealed that it has filed charges against 109 suspects in connection with a violence that killed dozens of civilians in the capital Addis Ababa and on the outskirts of the capital.

Eighty-one of the total suspects are in police custody, ZinabuTunu, Head of Public Relations at the Federal Attorney said in a press conference he gave on Wednesday. (来源EBC)




More than 400,000 Displaced Persons Settled in Localities of Oromia Regio

More than 400,000 compatriots displaced due to conflict along the border areas of Oromia and Somali regions have returned to their localities, according to Oromia Disaster Risk Management Commission.

“Resettlement of the displaced took place as the security situation stabilized and peace prevailed in border areas of the two regional states,” he added. (来源ENA)



Ethiopia’s Export to U.S. under AGOA Increasing

Ethiopia’s export under AGOA has jumped by 62 percent between October 2017 and September 2018.“If this growth continues, Ethiopia may quickly become the second or third largest exporter under AGOA in East Africa,” the Hub said. (来源EBC



Embassy Promotes Ethiopia’s Tourist Destinations in Shenyang, China

A forum aimed at promoting tourist destinations in Ethiopia was held in Shenyang, China. Shenyang is the provincial capital of Liaoning Province. Representatives of more than 60 Chinese companies working in the sector attended the event held under the theme “Explore Ethiopia, Land of Origins”. (来源EBC)





Attorney General Vows to Continue Bringing Criminals, Human Rights Abusers to Justice

The Attorney General said today that it will continue bringing suspected human rights abusers and corrupt persons to justice.This was disclosed at a 5-month performance report hearing of the Attorney General to the House of People’s Representatives. (来源EBC)



Ethiopia’s FM Meets Sudanese President, FM

Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister WorknehGebeyehu, who arrived in Khartoum on Monday, met with President Omar al-Bashir and his Sudanese counterpart, Al-Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed.The two sides discussed on bilateral and regional issues of common concern. (来源FBC)




Chinese Foreign Minister to Visit Ethiopia this Week

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will arrive here in the middle of this week to pay official visit, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Wang is visiting Ethiopia at the invitation of FM WorknehGebeyehu. (来源EBC)



FM Workneh on Working Visit in Sudan

Foreign Affairs WorknehGebeyehu has arrived in Khartoum, Sudan, today for a working visit, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.While in Sudan, Foreign Minister Workneh is expected to meet and hold discussions with high-level Sudanese government officials. (来源EBC)

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