usb数字货币(特讯:瑞银美国(UBS USA LTD)推出UBStoken)_币圈问答_鼎鸿网

usb数字货币(特讯:瑞银美国(UBS USA LTD)推出UBStoken)

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近日,瑞银美国总行(UBS USA LTD)推出数字货币UBStoken。




特讯:瑞银美国(UBS USA LTD)推出UBStoken

Special: UBS USA ( United Bank of Switzerland USA LTD) Launch UBS Token

Recently, UBS US Head Office ( United Bank of Switzerland USA LTD) Launch of digital currency UBS Token.

The UBS Token digital currency is also a cryptocurrency with blockchain technology. The difference is that it has the following features.

First, UBS Token is not decentralized, but issued by UBS USA as a center for digital money. Second, the UBS Token is a US dollar digital currency certified by the global UBS Alliance, which has a constant equivalent to US currency. Third, the issuance volume of UBS Token is issued in batches according to the business requirements of the UBS Alliance System and is always pegged to the actual US dollar assets of the Global Alliance. In this sense, UBS token is not a virtual digital token with no monetary attributes, but a digital currency equivalent to the US dollar assets of UBS. Fourth, the biggest bright spot is that UBS Token has landed on Ethereum and other digital currency trading platforms currently active in the world. It can trade with digital currencies such as Aethereum in real time. The transaction price compares the exchange rate of the Ethereum digital currency to the US dollar. In this way, UBS token storage is more private, the management is more secure, and transactions are more efficient.

In the future, UBS Token will be issued by the head office of UBS in the United States, with US dollar assets of the global UBS union as the silver base. The issuance volume will gradually increase, providing a more secure, private and fast new trading mode for the international capital market.

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